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"That which we
persist in doing becomes easier - not that the
nature of the task has changed, but our ability has increased."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Does this sound familiar? If you
are in business or planning your future it should.
What is an action plan? Generally
a series of timed actions or activities that help you obtain certain objectives.
Why not have a detailed action plan on
this web site?
 | The main reason is the need for you
to show interest an initiative in obtaining your objectives.
 | Another reason is that everyone has
different objectives and to present a plan here for every objective is not
reasonable. |
However, with that said (written) below
are a few very basic "Action Points." These are just starting points and
specifics can be developed later (I will focus on the financial issues here):
 | Decide to make changes in your life.
 | Determine your existing financial
situation, e.g. Financially Poor, Secure, Comfortable, Free
 | This is critical, even if you do
not participate in a business I have listed please sit down one evening with your spouse
(if married) and take a very close look at your existing financial
situation. Determine your income sources and expenses and how they are
likely to change over the next 1, 2, 5 etc. years. Perform this review
 | Strangely enough many positive
events tend to happen once you have made the "DECISION" to change
your situation.
 | What do you "realistically" want to
accomplish, e.g. develop an IGA contributing: $1,000/mth,$2,500, $5,000, $10,000 etc.
 | This may sound strange but it is
important to decide what you would do with extra money (even if you are
currently wealthy, what would you do with the extra money), e.g. pay off
bills. Paying bills is fine but after they are paid what would you do
with the extra money, e.g. retirement, home, parents' health care, college,
establish an endowment etc.
 | How much time will you devote to
developing your IGA, i.e. business?
 | In other words what are you
willing to give up? Most people fill their day with "something", meaning
you would have to not do "something" (e.g. watch TV, bowl) in order to do
"something" else that will help you reach your financial goals (remember the
"pay now play later" saying mentioned earlier)
 | Decide what type of business you
want. For example: do you want a "brick and mortar" business
i.e. store front? Do you want a Business that can be run from home?
Do you want a Home Based Internet business.
 | Decide how much money you
realistically want to make. This may sound strange but making an extra
$500 a month will be easier than making an extra $5,000 per month.
However, many online business opportunities are flexible and provide
LEVERAGE and one can increase their income simply by duplicating their
 | How much are you "willing and able"
to invest monthly, i.e. time, money, effort etc.
 | Stick to your goal.
 | Dream big - never lose sight of your
dream and don't let others destroy it (only you can do that). |
that kill other people's dreams are people who have given up on their
own dreams." R. Kiyosaki
I am confident that you can be
successful to the level you want to obtain.
All you have to do is initiate the
action. Then an action plan specific for you and your objectives will be
You have a lot to gain and nothing to lose but a little