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"It's never too late to be who you might have been."

George Eliot


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What do you do?

A: As I mentioned on the Home page, my primary business for 10+ years is business consulting.  Areas included are: Marketing, Management, Cost Analysis, Business Acquisition and Evaluation, Pricing, Advertising etc.  I work with people just starting out with an idea for a business to existing companies of various sizes, including trucking, chemicals, retail, internet, nutrition etc.

Q. Why are you providing FREE Business/Income Opportunities for people?

A:  During the development of my business I have gravitated to existing or established businesses to work with.  As a result I have had less time to work with "startup" businesses.  However, since I was a "Start up" business when I left my corporate JOB and did not have much help and had to learn "the hard way."  Over time and as the economy changed I had increasing requests for help form people that had little money to hire a consultant (like me) but wanted to escape from the JOB oriented approach to income.  Also, they did not have the research skills to review numerous programs.  So think of it as a "Give Back" to those that want something more but currently don't have the skills to find something that fits them.

Q. Why don't you take advantage of these opportunities you suggest?

A.  Duhhh!!!  I am.  I am not dumb.  Over time as I have gotten older and the markets have changed I have been shifting my existing business and Income Streams (IGAs) to those that are more flexible, don't require a lot of personal time have significant LEVERAGE and provide the opportunity to replace/increase income and overcome inflation issues.  Believe me while I like consulting, if you don't work you don't get paid (as with many JOBS).

Q: Are these full time “jobs?” 

A: No.  Many people initially use these income source to supplement their existing job/business income.  However, after income develops to a certain level many have decided to quit their old job in favor of the income potential, security and flexibility of these businesses.  After all what's the point of trading one "JOB" for another "JOB."

Q: Would the investment be tax-deductible? 

A: Obviously consult your tax advisor.  However, in general, products, supplies, training and samples etc. used for business purposes are deductible.

             Q: I am already 50 years old, aren’t I to old to start something new?

A: Obviously it is up to you if you want to “start something new.”  If you are financially secure now, maybe you should not.  However, you may know others that are not in such good financial condition as you that could benefit.  Also, remember if you are a male and about 50 years old now you should live until you are about 85 years old (90 for female).  If you retire at 65 that means you will have to have enough money to live comfortably on for about 20 (25) years and your wife for about another 5 years.  Also, about 70-80% of your medical expenses are projected to occur in this “retirement” period.  You should carefully evaluate your financial condition.  On a more “clichéd” point, you will be the same age 5 or 10 years from now, with or without the increased income this asset can bring you.

Q: How long after I start will it be before I begin making money? 

A: Everyone is different and your individual effort will be a primary determinant of success.  However, if you follow the business systems presented, and work, you should expect income in the $1,000 +/_ range  for the supplemental Income oriented opportunities in 1 – 3 months.  The Businesses presented provide substantially higher income potential and LEVERAGE and therefore 2-4 months is not an unrealistic time frame to reach $2,000 -$4,000 per month with significant upside potential.

Q: Besides the initial fee, what other start-up costs can I expect? 

A: You should have very little or none except the monthly investment for training as needed.  However, you may want to invest in a accounting / bookkeeping system, if you plan to treat this as a business and take advantage of business deductions and benefits associated with a business.  Some will offer, through third parties, "personal coaching" at an extra cost.  This is up to you.  With this coaching approach you are just PAYING for TIME, i.e. you are paying to decrease your learning curve and increase your income sooner.  Some will just follow the detailed Systems provided and save the money and some will pay for the extra training to save the time.

Q: What kinds of people are typically becoming IGA investors? What are their backgrounds? 

A: There is great variability in people’s backgrounds.  Some are professionals (e.g. doctors, lawyers, accountants), hourly workers and management personnel.  The consistent attributes between people tend to be:  income flexibility, more income, multiple sources of income, time freedom, and financial security.

Q: What are the strengths of this program compared to other business opportunities? What about relative weaknesses? 

A: Strengths:  Low investment, minimal training, growing market, flexible hours, flexible income, simple but effective business systems.

Weakness:  Low investment.  This is the most significant and may seem strange but many people associate high investment with high value and high investments impart a greater since of possible loss if one does not do well.  If the investment is low then the potential loss seems low and some people don't work as hard. 

Q: I’m already making a quarter of a million dollars a year. Why would I want to do this?

A: Maybe you wouldn’t, but it depends on a couple of factors: 1) How many hours a week are you working to achieve that income? 2) How secure is that level of income in the years to come? and 3) Can you stomach the thought of working until you’re 55 or 65 (or longer if you’re already at or close to that age level!) to be able to retire? Even if you are making $250,000 a year right now, and even if you are extremely frugal, you are still only likely to SAVE a MAXIMUM of $5,000 per month or $60,000 per year (assuming taxes, home expense, 2 car expenses, children, vacations, etc.). Saving $5,000 a month, it would take you 25 years and 4 months to save enough money to replace your quarter million dollar income when you retire (approx. $3,125,000 saved, assuming 8% annual interest and 28% marginal tax rate on annual gains). Why not get involved in a business where you can make millions of dollars a year within 3 to 5 years instead…and be in control of your own destiny?

Q: What are the biggest determining factors of success or failure?

A: Let’s start with failure, and that will probably give clues for success. The twin killers of success are fear and pride. Fear is a quality that few would admit to, but many would exhibit – possibly without even knowing it. Human nature hates change. It longs for comfort and stability. As you start your business, most people have a "brick and mortar" mentality, meaning when you have a business you should have a building, employees, products, transportation etc.  When someone asks, what do you do and you tell them you have an Internet business, they may think you are strange (until you tell them how much money you are making). These things may not seem too difficult, but history tells us that some are more scared than they think they are. The other killer is pride—meaning that people think they know more than they really do and think they know the best way to success in the business.  This leads to doing things differently than the system calls for, which almost always leads to sub par results. As a new business investor, you would be well advised to follow the Program (s) to the letter, and success is sure to follow.

Q: Do I have any territorial restrictions?

A: No. You are free to operate anywhere you like since these are Internet Businesses.  Obviously check with the specific business opportunity for any details.

            Q: How do I collect my profits?

A: All income from all legitimate businesses is derived from the sale REAL PRODUCTS or SERVICES.  Anything less gets dangerously close to the Bernard Madoff scheme.  With this you will have products and depending on how you set the business up you will be paid directly by the customer or indirectly through a payment processor, e.g. PayPal®

            Q: Am I an independent business person?

A: YES.  You are considered an independent business person and not an employee.  This is similar to any franchised business.

            Q:  Why so little investment?

A: This is an interesting area.  While covered earlier, the investment has been intentionally kept low in order to increase the number of people that could participate in the income potential.  A small investment limits the potential loss someone may incur (which is good in one respect).  However, it also limits the “vested interest” that one has and if they decide to not succeed in the business then the loss is relatively small.  The investment may increase over time, as do most successful businesses. 

            Q:  How can so much income be made?

A: The principle is similar to a franchise, that is; a small/modest amount of profit per product with a large number of products.  McDonald’s is again an example.  They have about 30,000 franchises each selling about $1,000,000 per year, for total sales of about $30 Billion per year.  McDonald’s corporation gets a small (about 10% of sales) fee from each franchise.  This is the same with your business, you will receive a profit from each “IGA” you establish.  The larger the total number of “IGAs” the larger the money you receive.  You can decide.

            Q:  What is the risk?

A: About $50 -$300, out of pocket.  The real risk is not being successful, since you will miss out on all the financial rewards.  Also, these have a Money Back Guarrentee.

            Q:  What is an IGA and who developed it?

A: IGA is a coined term to represent an asset that produces income (e.g. job, business) versus an asset that does not produce an income (e.g. home, boat, car), at least until you sell it.  The point being you could have a large number of assets (using the typical definition of an asset) and be “broke.”  The term IGA was developed by Bruce King to more accurately define assets that produce cash and those that consume cash.





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